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Writer, editor, mom of 2. Former teacher. Doctorate in ed policy. Also @herstoriestales #binders

Social Audience 5K Last Month
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Do You Have An Introverted Child? Here's How To Tell

Instead of playing with the mob of kids in the neighborhood playing basketball in the street, your child might prefer to hang out with a best friend, or even alone. She seems to prefer playing by herself to playing with other kids. She spends lots of time there, recharging and doing quiet activities like reading. She’s totally fine with a lack of scheduled activities and may actually dread action-packed days, even when they’re full of plans that she enjoys.

Are You (Or Your Kid) Shy Or Introverted? Here's How To Tell the Difference

In other words, they’re not going out of their way to find chances to be social all of the time, but they’re not actively avoiding it altogether all the time. You could score high on just one shade of introversion and find that you’re mostly just one type of introvert, or you could find that you’re a blend of all four types. However, your quietness isn’t because you’re afraid of speaking up or because you’re not having a good time; it’s because you’re in your own head, thinking about other movies and other characters and wondering if there will be a sequel and maybe writing it yourself in your mind. Not exactly morning people, they’re slow-moving but aren’t necessarily anxious about being social.

Do You Have An Introverted Child? Here's How To Tell

An introverted child has many of the same qualities and same needs as an introverted adult. But if you’re an extrovert — or even if you’re not — you may find some of the qualities of an introverted child to be confusing or even worrying

Why Being An Introverted Mom (or Dad) Is Hard — And How To Cope

You need time alone, and whether you’re a stay-at-home parent or not, there will be times when you need solitude to take the break your introverted brain requires. You don’t want to isolate yourself too much, but you also don’t want your days to be spent in constant activities that require tons of socializing, small talk, and face time. The reason why acceptance is so important is simple: You will be a better and happier parent if you recharge on a regular, daily basis in the ways that you (as an introverted mom) need. If you haven’t found self-acceptance, then all of the other ways of finding solitude, recharging, and coping won’t be effective because you’ll spent that time feeling guilty.

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