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Member Since JULY 28, 2018
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Easy Homemade Popsicles

Next, mix in with the cup of vanilla Greek yogurt (or plain Greek yogurt) and start spooning into the popsicle mold. We made three molds with 1 cup of vanilla Greek yogurt and a blackberry/ raspberries mix and three molds with 1 cup of plain Greek yogurt and blackberry/raspberry mix. Fill the bottom on your molds with about 1-2 teaspoons of the mashed kiwi and pour the watermelon liquid juice to the top. If you want to use your wooden popsicle stick, wait an hour for the liquid to harden and then slowly stick them in, otherwise they will sink to the bottom with this popsicle consistency.

Five Reasons Why Blogging Is A Good Fit With My Passions

Not sure if all bloggers out there feel the same way, but for me, it’s a huge creative outlet that fuels my soul. And I get to interact with other bloggers and read their content. Reading other people’s articles, blog posts, and stories is another way to get inspired myself. I feel honored and privileged when people feel comfortable enough to share about their life journey.

A Fitness Blogger Who Followed Her Passions

My first interview is with Angie Fliehser, a fitness blogger out of Vienna, Austria who was born and raised in northern Mexico. Angie’s fitness blog has a very catchy and unique name entitled that has a very holistic approach to fitness. An interesting tidbit about Angie’s career aspirations is that she did not begin her journey in the fitness world. Basically, I knew fitness and movement was my passion because “it’s like a fire within you, that just won’t go away”

Sunshine Blogger Award

Thank the blogger who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog. 2. Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the aware and write them 11 new questions (The new questions for my nominees are at the bottom of this post). Let’s jump right in with the 11 inspiring questions that were asked of me: I have always wondered whether blogging would be a good fit with my passions, and boy was I right! After you compose your blog post answering the 11 questions for you above, kindly come back to this post, and comment below with the following 2 things so we can all be inspired by your blogging journey and story!

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