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A space for young women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer under the age of 45 to share their own thoughts and experiences in writing.

  • Women's Health
As the new year approaches

This blog has been set up to provide a space for young women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer under the age of 45 to share their own thoughts and experiences through writing. Click here to visit and "like" our Facebook page! * Want to write but don't know where to begin? * Submitting a piece of writing to the Young Women's Breast Cancer Blog

I don't believe

This blog has been set up to provide a space for young women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer under the age of 45 to share their own thoughts and experiences through writing. Click here to visit and "like" our Facebook page! * Want to write but don't know where to begin? * Submitting a piece of writing to the Young Women's Breast Cancer Blog


This blog has been set up to provide a space for young women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer under the age of 45 to share their own thoughts and experiences through writing. Click here to visit and "like" our Facebook page! * Want to write but don't know where to begin? * Submitting a piece of writing to the Young Women's Breast Cancer Blog

Happiness and Love

This blog has been set up to provide a space for young women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer under the age of 45 to share their own thoughts and experiences through writing. Click here to visit and "like" our Facebook page! * Want to write but don't know where to begin? * Submitting a piece of writing to the Young Women's Breast Cancer Blog

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