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Live Life Unwritten. Millennial related issues as told by Generation Y

Member Since JULY 24, 2018
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5 Ways To Deal With Burnout In The Middle Of The Semester

When you need to complete a  billion tasks, submit piles of papers, and finish tons of courses, it’s hard to consider taking several hours off, let alone a whole day. Even if you can’t get a full eight hours of sleep, try your best to not stay up for days on end. If you catch yourself procrastinating, try to figure out if you’re tired of studying hard or just bored, and then adjust your study schedule accordingly. If you find that you’re stalling because you’re studying too hard, don’t hesitate to take a day off!

12 Definite Signs Your Friend With Benefits Is Catching Feelings

Other times, the guy in question can’t actually spit out his true feelings, because machismo. Guys don’t get all territorial if they don’t have any interest in a girl. Guys who aren’t catching feelings will only hit you up when they want sex, or won’t hit you up at all. Don’t ask me why, but guys who catch feelings tend to be insanely stupid when it comes to the ways they try to impress girls.

How It Really Feels To Be Uninspired

We all know that feeling by many names — the winter blues, seasonal depression, and so many others. This is the time of the year when the sun isn’t out as much, and we aren’t getting enough vitamin D, which can all result in our depression/anxiety/mental health disorders increasing. Maybe it’s feeling like I’m a kid in the middle of a blizzard in Maine, throwing snow in my brother’s face while we make snow angels. Feeling like you are in a barren wasteland of winter with the biggest desire to write about everything around you isn’t easy.

Three Factors To Remember When Applying For A New Job

I know this is time-consuming, but hiring managers don’t want pasted paragraphs you found on the internet. Not getting a callback or receiving a rejection letter can feel like a knife to the heart, but I promise you it’s not. It’s common for employers to reject applications if they see certain potential since they know that the applicant needs to do bigger and better things than the position they’re applying for requires. Don’t let rejection letters make you feel like you’re not good enough because you are.

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