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Hither & Thither is a lifestyle and travel blog written by Ashley Muir Bruhn. www.hitherandthither.net

Social Audience 26K
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Picnic Day! (& Friday Links)

It’s Picnic Day weekend at UC Davis, which means an open-house weekend for the campus (and beer-pong for lawns city-wide). We’ll be starting the day with the parade and then choosing between events like Doxie Derbie and Chemistry shows, between visiting beetles at the etymology department or bees at honey labs

The Most Flattering Jeans (& vintage sizing tips)

When it comes to classic, flattering denim, “Vintage Levi’s 501s are pretty much the gold standard. ” So says Elle magazine, which explains why you’ll see the little red tag in so many rear shots, and why they’ve been landing in closets for over 145 years! But if that perfect vintage pair eludes you, there are other options out there—many with the same emphasis on non-stretch, 100% cotton, high-waist, rear-flatting cuts—and we did some sleuthing to find out what some of the best ones are… First, if you do want to go the vintage route, Elle suggests being prepared to go up in size: “Vintage denim is much smaller than modern denim

5 Things: A Local's Guide to Milwaukee, Wisconsin

In “5 Things,” we ask some of our favorite insiders in cities all over the world to share travel tips on where to eat, shop, stay, and play in their neighborhoods (plus, what to pack to make the adventure complete). We are happy to have Mara Duckens join us today in an exploration of Milwaukee! Everyone’s been buzzing about the city lately, as it was just announced as the location for the 2020 Democratic National Convention! But away from the buzz is a city that’s great for families—full of cultural experiences and natural beauty

Seeing beauty at every age

On Sunday morning, I was snuggling in bed with Skyler and tracing her perfectly smooth skin from the tip of her nose to the apples of her cheeks. She did the same to me, noting my “smile lines,” and then said “one day, when I’m a grown up, I’ll get to have them, too

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