Beyond Boobs

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Welcome! We're a not-your-typical support service of Here for the Girls, Inc., a 501(c)(3) improving the lives of young women affected by breast cancer. To learn more about Beyond Boobs! and its in-person hugs, go to

Social Audience 12K Last Month
  • Moz DA 29

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  • Dance
  • Family and Relationships
  • Dating
  • Women's Health
  • Music and Audio
  • Medical Health
  • Pop Culture
  • Body Art
Crowns of Henna, Heart of Gold

For the past several years she has volunteered her time and talents with Beyond Boobs! to design henna crowns for women battling breast cancer. Wendy met the women of Beyond Boobs! at Art Inspired, an art and wellness studio in Newport News, Virginia. “Volunteering with Beyond Boobs! has opened my eyes to breast cancer,” Wendy said. The women have educated me about the importance of self-exams, and I have learned so much from sitting in on sessions during the retreats.

Starlets of Dance: Meet Celebrity Dancer Dr. Robert Schnarrs

Stay tuned to the blog over the next few weeks to learn more about these incredible women who are poised to dance their way into Beyond Boobs! history. He was strolling around the MyTime Women’s Show in Hampton, Virginia, when he came across BB! sponsor, and he also sits on the calendar model selection committee to help choose survivors to represent BB! in their annual A Calendar to Live By. “I’m familiar with the dance routine, so now my instructors and I are working on adding additional pieces.

Starlets of Dance: Meet Melanie

After weeks of training with professional instructors, seven survivors will grace the stage at this year’s She is undergoing her third round of chemo, and she has had to adapt her training schedule for Starlets around her energy levels during treatment. Since I receive a steroid with my chemo treatment every Monday and that gives me lots of energy, I make time to practice Monday evenings. Melanie reminds me of what it’s like to open up your heart and your time to a new friend, and all the amazing things that come out of support for our fellow ladies.

Starlets of Dance: Meet Deirdre

After weeks of training with professional instructors, seven survivors will grace the stage at this year’s She lived vicariously through her two daughters when they took dance classes growing up, and now it’s her turn to hit the stage again during Starlets of Dance. “Dance has helped me personally get through some really tough times, and I’m honored to work with Deidre this year,” Regina continued “Her energy and excitement for the Hustle is a joy to watch. I hope my performance inspires someone to let loose and have fun,” she said.

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