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Our Spring Uniform: Two Pieces, Three Looks, Endless Possibilities -

Our brilliant stylist, Angel, reveals a wealth of styling potential by cleverly outfitting of our Subtle Flirtation Cotton Top and Perfect Timing Cotton Skirt—matching separates that can’t help but impress, look after look. The ultimate one-and-done ensemble, this outfit creates the illusion of a dress with its identical motif at the top and skirt, yet offers a ton of room for different looks. Dark, wide-leg denim and ’70s-inspired platform heels give a distinctly retro feel to the dotted top, which is quite a departure from the previous outfit! Angel gave the skirt a professional twist with the addition of a crisp white button up layered beneath a bright yellow cardigan—both of which play up the textured dots in a polished, mature way.

Quite the Arrangement: DIY Floral Bouquet -

It’s true that floral arrangements are an art and a skill that takes time and patience to develop, but in the same way you can whip up a restaurant-worthy meal in your very own kitchen, you can also create your own floral arrangement at home. If you’re going for colorful, she says to choose two or three hues with a variety in tones, that way the arrangement doesn’t look like it’s too “all over the place. You can always go back and make something shorter or sit lower in the arrangement, but once it’s cut you can’t go back,” says Page. Page says this is very important since bacteria can build up and stay on the surface from previous arrangements (preparing all your stems helps keep the water clean, too).

Behind the Design: Our April Collection -

We named our April collection The Print Edition, because it focused on some of our favorite prints for spring. For even more spring, our design team was into happy “open faced” flowers, beautiful soft hues, and mid-century inspired (yet updated for current day) graphic design. I love love love our illustrative floral in ginger, and I love the feel of the soft, breezy fabric it’s printed on. I’m going to be hitting up some outdoor movie screenings in our striped jumpsuit, paired with white tennis shoes, a (white) denim jacket and a picnic basket full of goodies.

#MarriedinModCloth: Ejiro & Kerry -

He worked a second job for six months before the wedding to be able to, in his words, “Give me the wedding I deserve, no matter what. I thought I would know for sure what kind of dress I wanted when the time came. I even went into a well known bridal store to try on dresses which was a huge eye opener because I did not look like I thought I would look in wedding dresses. It’s funny because even then, I was trying to describe to them the kind of dress I was looking for, and they didn’t have anything close.

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