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Social Audience 0
  • Moz DA 11
  • Family and Relationships
  • Parenting
  • Healthy Living
  • Women's Health
  • Medical Health
  • Diseases and Conditions
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  • Traveling
All Sickness Ain't Death

I later learned in my friendship with George, those four words profoundly impacted his life as he persevered and showed others to also make the most of their lives. George graciously taught us that all sickness ain't death... It was 30 months ago that I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer. I have lost my hair twice...once when diagnosed Stage 2 in 2012 and once when diagnosed Stage 4 in 2014.

Enduring Uncertainty

The horrifying uncertainty begins the second you hear those words..."You have Metastatic Breast Cancer. When you find your new way...and the drug is stabilizing or even eliminating some of the cancer, you are then given a moment to relax a little and let the uncertainty settle. Through time of uncertainty between treatment plans, I was able to take a trip to Philadelphia for the  Living Beyond Breast Cancer's  Metastatic Breast Cancer Conference where I was able to meet up with many of my friends from across that country, as well as make some new friends. It was 30 months ago that I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer.

Moving Forward...Always Dragging My Cancer Baggage Behind Me

I have lost my hair twice...once when diagnosed Stage 2 in 2012 and once when diagnosed Stage 4 in 2014. In addition, I am now going to be a new patient in the IU Health Precision Genomics Program, and have cancer diagnostic genomic testing done of my new biopsy samples. By doing this, my genetic doctors can look for mutations and changes within my cancer cells allowing the cancer to be precisely targeted with FDA approved drugs as well as many clinical trials. Our hopes and prayers are that the biopsy goes well, they are able to get good samples, and that my cancer takes chill on growing while we wait for results and a new targeted treatment.

Believe Me, It Takes Great Patience to be a Patient

Skip to main content Believe Me, It Takes Great Patience to be a Patient It started with a full day at the hospital a week and a half ago. It was 30 months ago that I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer. I have lost my hair twice...once when diagnosed Stage 2 in 2012 and once when diagnosed Stage 4 in 2014.

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