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California girl with tons of personality and big dreams. Living w/ style regardless of size or budget also on IG/Snapchat: CidStyleFile

Social Audience 3K
  • Books and Literature
  • Pop Culture
  • Style & Fashion
  • Women's Fashion
  • Traveling
10 Years of Blogging, Good Bye!

Slowing I became to discover more plus fashion, I even found some local bloggers who looked like size Latinas who also loved fashion and beauty! Everyone wanted a piece of the pie, when bloggers started to get paid, like really get paid in the hundred thousands of dollars, some even reportedly getting millions of dollars, with huge endorsement deals. I was the one who introduced new bloggers to other bloggers or told them about certain blogger networks to sign up for and get paid opportunities. I wasn't getting paid, like other bloggers, I wasn't actually getting anything out of blogging, not even enjoyment or gratification like I had in the beginning.

Getting New Tires For Your Car

I had noticed my tires starting to look a little worn down and didn't want to risk any accidents of issues. I really didn't have a clue of where to start with getting new tires, starting with what size I needed. Lots of little things we don't always think about when it comes to getting a new set of tires. A couple things you should know before getting new tires, which you will probably be asked when getting serviced.

The Fab 40's

The last remaining members have decided to end the Fab 40's for now and take a break. Let's see what me and my Fab 40's buddies have to share with you this month. Embroidered jeans have been so on trend and last Fab 40's DIY post Here are the ladies of The Fab 40's with their Autumn color looks

DIY Fashion

I am so grateful to be working again, but I just can't stay up late working on the blog and then get up super early like I use to! Those days are gone, ah Fab 40's you making me look like an old lady.... So many ideas swirling in my brain, I even have a box of stuff I bought for my DIY fashion post. Here are the ladies of The Fab 40's with their DIY looks Have you done any DIY fashion?

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