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525,600 Minutes, how do you measure, measure a year?

“Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes. At that time, I had never seen a Broadway, was a year or two out from falling in love with New York City and the most traumatic thing I experienced back then was some school bullying. It was a year of so much juxtaposition that at the end of it all, I am sitting in a beach cabana admiring the incredible aqua waves, in absolute numbing disbelief of the last five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes. Five Hundred Twenty Five Thousand

Holiday Gift Guide for a Breast Cancer Warrior

One of the top things I get asked is what to give someone that has been diagnosed or is fighting cancer. I’m sharing them below as well as listed out the links below (hover over the item name) for easy shopping. Remember, the best gift you can give anyone battling cancer is your time and love. The best gifts are free but the below aren’t bad either 🙂


It was on the plane last night that I realized today marks one year. This year was the slowest yet fastest, hardest yet most fulfilling year of my life. It taught me to fight for the important things and to let go of things and people that no longer fit in my life. Today I choose to celebrate the kindness of strangers, the support of friends and loved ones, and the knowledge that life is short, never do tomorrow what you can do today.

The beauty of paying it forward

11 months ago, my entire life changed with 3 horrifying words and I was initiated into a club I never wanted part in. In less than one year, I learned more about myself and those that I love than 3+ decades of life taught me. Through this crazy cancer chapter, I learned that nothing else in life matters but the relationships you have, the kindness of strangers, and the incredible powerful feeling of paying it forward. To find some peace from the ugly black hole of useless and scary cancer forums that is the internet as a whole.

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