Carrie Noar

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Follow the crazy adventures of everyday life with two greyhounds enjoying retirement and two German Shepherds who are along for the ride.

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Know Your Place

One of them is learning to know your place, or, more specifically, go to a particular place on command. Rosie was being a typical puppy, so he got out our mat and a few treats and started fooling with teaching her the command. I think back to the days of training Blueberry and how she’d go to her crate and lay down with her back to Mr. Taleteller if he told her that she didn’t do something right. I thought it would be a lot harder to teach, but with a dog who is eager to learn, it turns out that it’s pretty easy.

Tales and Tails

A few weeks ago, I saw that one of Rosie’s sisters went back to visit her breeder while her family had to be out of town. One of the things that Birdie spent a lot of time doing was playing in their pool while she was there and I’ve seen several of their other puppies and dogs playing too. A few weeks ago when it was really hot here, I’m pretty sure she thought she would melt every time she went out for a potty break. When she got tired, she rescued her ball and went to relax on the elevated dog bed that’s out there.

The Balm Of Time

My heart sank as I read the diagnosis, even though I’ve never met the dog in person. If you had told me eight months ago that the balm of time would have worked on mending my own broken heart, I’m not sure I would have believed you. known, though, Rosie is the most unique little soul that we’ve ever come across. In her own way, Rosie was waiting for me to arrive and bring the balm of time with her to help me move forward in the way I needed to.

Stepping Stones

Rose is the first dog that I’ve ever taken through puppy class, although I’ve done obedience with quite a few of our dogs, most recently Bunny. I completely expected Rosie and I to be a little behind the older dogs in our beginning obedience class, and I was okay with that. Kylo and Rosie are light years ahead of the other dogs in our class in a lot of ways that surprised me. Soon, we’ll be building on those foundations and learning some more advanced skills, but the last few weeks, Rose has had her turn to shine as a mostly well-mannered young lady.

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