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NASA engineer by day. Quilter by night. Mom and wife 24/7.

Social Audience 2K Last Month
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What Next?

My gum surgery went well enough (Friday before last) and I can eat most foods again. Fingers crossed I don’t have to have this particular variety of dental pleasantry again for at least a good several years

Official Photo and Official Freakout

A few weeks ago at work, our admin assistant set up times for everyone in my organization to have official NASA photos taken. Check me out! So official! Also geez I need a haircut

Zoomed In Quilt

I’m excited to share the latest quilt I designed for Bluprint (formerly known as Craftsy) today! It’s called Zoomed In, and it’s available now as a kit featuring their Boundless Strawberry Fizz fabrics. While I had mocked up the quilt digitally (see below) as I wrote the pattern, it was so fun to see how it turned out in person! This “wrinkle” — the fact that I hadn’t seen the actual quilt until these photos were taken — is an added twist to the process of writing patterns for Bluprint

Crafty Goals for Spring 2019

I made this quilt last year and that went pretty dang well, A friend of mine sadly lost her father last year, and when she asked me if I knew anyone who could turn his shirts into 2 quilts (one for her, one for her mom), I offered to make them myself. Make a quilt for the Pantone challenge. • Make a mini quilt for the Cherrywood Fabrics Bob Ross challenge.

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