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Welcome to Maria Tettamanti's award-winning Miami-based fashion & travel blog. Read more shenanigans here:

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Read This: The Lost Girls of Paris

(Book) nerd alert: I have an affinity for World War II novels. They’re often based upon true events, profoundly sad (I dig sad — it’s a Pisces trait), always uplifting and consistently share this sentiment: The human spirit is unbreakable

Take Your Stories To Another Level

Because you want your content to always be #OnBrand and curated just like me. Think about collages, vintage effects, animations, cool fonts and paintbrush strokes. Enter my newest obsession for cool Instagram Stories — the Storyluxe app. Storyluxe gives your stories a truly handmade and artistic look (just like the photo above) and is easy to use from your iPhone.

Sink into Auberge Spa Fort Lauderdale (Literally)

Designed by Meyer Davis (think dreamy mid century modern furnishings, white linen curtains, driftwood accents and cozy nooks) The Spa spans 15,000 square feet and boasts 14 treatment rooms, three garden cabanas, spacious outdoor terraces and cozy fire pits. The spa menu is brimming with over-the-top experiences but the pièce de résistance here is the Mineral Quartz Massage with Amethyst Oil ($149 for 50 minutes) where guests literally descend into a warm cocoon of healing warm quartz mineral sand on the spa’s award-winning Gharieni Quartz Treatment table. Chockfull of Himalayan salt, the vapors are beneficial for clear skin, respiratory function, skin disorders, inflammation and immunity.

Cook This: Turkey Chili

When I’m pressed for time (hello? erry damn day! ), I whip out my Crock-Pot like the basic B I made a batch earlier today because I was helping dad run some errands and this particular recipe is easy AF. Here goes… Throw all of the above in the Crock-Pot and you’re done by the time you get home from running around town! I like to top mine with sour cream and shredded cheddar cheese.

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