Breasts in the City

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blogging about rants on breast cancer, life & blah blah blah ~ sharing my story to help others with #sexybreastcancer and laughing a little along the way…

Social Audience 327
  • Healthy Living
be careful

I listen to the new Cardi B song ‘be careful’  on repeat because the beats basically kill her counterparts… wait, who are her counterparts? She’s young. She and I are kind of like kindred spirits in the sense that we don’t give a F**k! ! It’s actually very simple… cancer cuts out all the fat, it cuts out all the noise.


I don’t know, I’m just happy that it’s snowed so we won’t have a green Christmas. Why oh why do I feel like I’m in the Principals office when I visit the doctor? I mean, by-passing the regular route when feeling like I might have sepsis or cancer recurrence shouldn’t be frowned upon. I think it’s natural to feel any feelings when you’re in a vulnerable position no matter who you are.

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