Chandice Probst

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Living vivaciously! Gluten-free recipes🍴Entertaining 💐 #mocktails GF sourdough 🍞 (#celiac) & @tastemakerconference 🙌🏼 Book: #glutenfree on a Budget

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This Vivacious Life Easy Dinners

I’ve been making these baked bean nachos for nearly 10 years now. My sister Tera originally shared her recipe for them with us years ago and I have since adapted it slightly for my own flavor profile. I first shared them years ago here as Tera’s beany nachos. Meanwhile, spread tortilla chips onto a baking sheet and sprinkle with cheese Spoon bean and beef mixture onto gluten-free corn tortilla chips and cheese Always check the chips you purchase to make sure they are gluten-free.

Gluten-Free Eggs Benedict Casserole

Gluten-free eggs benedict casserole with smoky hollandaise sauce! I love making breakfast casseroles like this gluten-free eggs benedict one. It adds a fun depth of flavor both in the gluten-free eggs benedict casserole and in the homemade hollandaise sauce. After it has refrigerated, preheat over to 375 degrees While the casserole is baking, make the hollandaise sauce To make the hollandaise, combine the egg yolks, whipping cream, lemon juice, cayenne and dijon in a glass bowl or in the top of the double broiler Bring water in a pot to a boil and place the glass bowl over top (make sure the bowl doesn't touch the water)

Gluten-Free Monster Cookies (Easy)

So when I want to surprise my cute little ones with an extra special after school snack, I turn to this recipe. I have found that for this recipe, Bob’s Red Mill mix works best. Add the gluten-free cookie mix and oats then combine well Scoop with an ice cream scoop onto a greased or parchment lined cookie sheet (silicone mats work great as well) then flatten with the bottom of a glass cup *I was provided with product from Bob’s Red Mill (a sponsor of our site) for recipe development.

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