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ADK is dedicated to the protection and responsible recreational use of NYS wild lands and waters. Visit us at

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How You Can Use Social Media to Both Promote and Protect the Adirondacks

One of the most complex aspects of high use in the Adirondacks is the role that social media plays in over-promoting specific areas. It is generally accepted that, to a degree, social media has disproportionately directed hikers towards particular parts of the High Peaks, as well as the region as a whole

Adirondack Mountain Club hires new Outdoor Skills Coordinator

ADK (Adirondack Mountain Club) is excited to announce the hiring of our newest Education Department member, Mary Glynn, as Outdoor Skills Coordinator. Mary is a familiar face at ADK; she worked on our Loj Crew in 2014, and has volunteered as a trip leader for ADK’s Northville-Placid Trail Chapter

Mud Season: Quick Facts

As you ascend, mud turns to a range of rotten snow, ice, and deep snow pack creating challenging conditions for hikers that also raise the risk for injury. On the highest summits, alpine vegetation begins its spring growing cycle, which is a highly vulnerable time for an already vulnerable variety of plants. However, that leaves ample opportunity to explore lower elevation peaks like Mt. Van Hoevenberg, or to visit other parts of the Adirondack Park that don’t experience snow packs to the same degree. Andrew, ADK’s Trail Programs Director, highly recommends visiting the Catskill Park, as the soil there “has a sandy composition, and as a result tends to thaw and drain earlier in the spring.

Adirondack 46ers Continue Support for ADK’s Stewardship Programs in the High Peaks Wilderness

Building on last year’s support, the 46ers have pledged another $15,000 to support the Adirondack High Peaks Summit Stewardship Program, a partnership of ADK, The Adirondack Chapter of the Nature Conservancy (TNC), and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Support from the 46ers will help summit stewards continue their efforts in protecting New York’s rare alpine plants by educating hikers to be responsible recreationists. Since 2002, the 46ers have contributed over $200,000 to ADK’s Professional Trail Crew and the High Peaks Summit Stewardship Program. About Adirondack 46ers: The Adirondack 46ers are dedicated to environmental protection, to education for proper usage of wilderness areas, to participation in New York State Department of Environmental Conservation-approved trail projects, and to the support of initiatives within the Adirondack High Peaks region by organizations with similar goals that enhance their objectives.

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