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Celeb dietitian, author, mom, entrepreneur, list maker, food + fitness lover. Founder of The Nutrition School. I help YOU live your MOST Nutritious Life!

Social Audience 61K
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7 Delicious, Easy Grain Salads That Are Filled With Vegetables

Whole grains, especially the ancient ones, are super healthy and delicious—and these easy grain salads will help you get more of ‘em into your diet. Of course lots of people skip grains these days due to sensitivities, and if your body doesn’t like them, we totally get it

Fitness Star Melissa Wood Loves Cold Showers and Is Avocado-Obsessed

You likely won’t catch Melissa Wood in a HIIT class. The wellness coach and yoga teacher is the creator of the MWH method, an exercise program that draws inspiration from yoga and Pilates and is all about slow, controlled, muscle-fatiguing movements

5 Everyday Habits That Can Boost Your Sex Life

Generally, when you hear the term “libido-boosting,” it’s related to some sort of scammy supplement. But there are plenty of simple, healthy everyday habits you can focus on to keep your sex drive humming

The Healthiest Smoothies at Popular Smoothie Chains

Okay, the first thing you learn when you spend a lot of time looking at smoothie chain ingredient lists and nutrition facts is…you should really make your smoothies at home. Smoothies can be a great way to consume lots of nutrients quickly, but at most national smoothie bars, they’re mostly a way of getting lots of sugar into your bloodstream quickly

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