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4dancers is a blog for all who love dance. Please visit us at to learn more. Thank you!

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  • Books and Literature
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The Dance/USA Taskforce for Dancer Health – An Introduction

A blog for dancers, dance teachers and others interested in dance The Dance/USA Taskforce for Dancer Health – An Introduction Recently I was given the opportunity to serve on the Dance/USA Taskforce for Dancer Health, and attended the group’s semi-annual meeting in New York City. The Taskforce is the dance medicine arm of Dance/USA, an organization that serves the professional dance community in the USA

Injury Prevention in Breakdancing

A blog for dancers, dance teachers and others interested in dance I’m so pleased to be able to bring you an article on a topic we don’t hear too much about in the dance medicine world – breakdancing – and how it affects the dancer. Nefeli Tsiouti Is a young IADMS (International Association for Dance Medicine and Science) member from Cyprus, who has brought the art form forward, bringing knowledge and understanding to the injuries suffered in this field

Anna Karenina, Happiness, and Dance Career Satisfaction

Anna Karenina premiered this past Wednesday at the Auditorium Theatre. The story was originally written by Leo Tolstoy in 1878, and been adapted into various media including opera, film, television, ballet, figure skating and radio drama

Healthy Eating: Vegetarian & Vegan Diets For Dancers

A blog for dancers, dance teachers and others interested in dance I’m pleased to bring you an article on healthy eating for vegetarian and vegan dancers from a longtime IADMS colleague, Derrick Brown, M. Sc

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