Greenwich, Connecticut exudes wealth and privilege.
Much of the affluent town is filled with old money and respected surnames that have carried down through generations
How did Panther Party founders Huey Newton and Bobby Seale become revolutionaries?
The Seale family arrived in the Bay Area from Texas the year before the worst disaster of World War II on continental United States soil.
Munitions improperly loaded onto cargo ships in Port Chicago suddenly ignited on July 17, 1944 — less than 25 miles from where the family now lived
On April 18, 2016, surveillance video from the Creekside Church of Christ in Midlothian, Texas captured an individual breaking into the church.
It was 3:50 a
West Oakland was a tinderbox long before the Black Panther Party came into being — a ghetto suffering from two decades of high unemployment, overcrowded housing and heavy-handed policing.
The black community considered patrolmen an occupying army