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Running life is my personal blog all about my running, training, the food I eat, the equipment I use to help me along the way.

  • Books and Literature
  • Career Advice
  • Food & Drink
  • Cooking
  • Desserts and Baking
  • Healthy Cooking and Eating
  • Vegetarian Diets
  • Family and Relationships
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  • Fitness and Exercise
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  • Travel Preparation
  • Traveling
Fitting Fit In

I have really lost my motivation to get fit again, I’m not sure if it is the broken sleep during the night, the lack of time to myself but I find it much more appealing to sit on the sofa and watch Netflix than do something productive when I get the chance! I think being a new mum is such a tough balancing act of keeping baby, partner and yourself happy, making sure you aren’t drowning in dirty clothes and having a fairly presentable house. I used to workout or do a yoga flow in the morning before work, but I struggle to get myself out of bed if Ezra isn’t up at the moment.

Travelling Top Tips

Now don’t get me wrong he was waking every few hours during the night and hardy feeding during the day, but he was happy and content for the most part! Before going I wrote a list of things we needed to pack * Not all subway stations have lifts, so unless you want a workout lifting the pram up and down the stairs I would recommend planning the routes! I can’t wait to start planning our next adventures!

Travelling With a 5 Month Old

We started the process online as this was cheaper and then filled in the forms and got a friend to countersign the bits, got it sent off and had the passport through the door within a few days! The hardest part of this process was getting Ezra to sit still in the photo booth for the photo! We ended up using a photo with his eyes and face pointing towards the floor, but as he is only a baby they don’t need to be looking at the screen. so have had quite a lot of practice packing for time away from home and making sure we can fit everything we need into the car!

Top Tips For New Mums

It is more than likely that once you have got yourself and baby ready they will poop and need a nappy change or decide they are hungry and want a feed! These new friends will be the people you turn to in the middle of the night to ask questions, they will reassure you that you are not the worst mum ever and that they are going through exactly the same things you are. It is so hard not to worry about every single thing you are doing with your baby, but if they are alive, feeding and needing a nappy change then you are doing an amazing job! ! The beauty of becoming a parent is that you are always learning and being tested, but I think the best bit of advice I can give is to know that you are doing an amazing job and try to Just enjoy every moment of it because it really does go so fast!

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