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Member Since JULY 19, 2018
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  • Moz DA 2
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  • Weight Loss

and I've stepped on the scales to see the results:I've made small changes this week without going like a whirligig and upending everything to lose as much as possible. Yoga's also on my hitlist as soon as I find some good beginner videos on YouTube and have the time to dedicate to a good stretchy session once a week. 2.6lbs a week for the entire way will see my journey take one year and one week which seems a little daunting on the face of it, but thinking of 53 weeks in the past it's definitely a sign that focus is key and one year of my entire life is such a small timescale to make such a positive change.


I need to learn to be a bit more unapologetic about that because I just want to feel like I look good (don't we all, health benefits aside, want to see ourselves a certain way?) By the time I've got to where I want to be weight-wise my witchy transformation will be complete and I may finally have some sense of pride in myself after 32 years of hoping that kind of feeling would kick in one day. GW1, GW2 and UGW - and within each milestone are a few treats and rewards to act as a Well Done Me as I carry on this road, which I'm sure is not too dissimilar to Hercules' 12 laboursAnyway, the point of this post is my intention to share the targets and treats that I've planned on my way along losing weight so, without further ado, here we go... I'm aiming to lose exactly 138lbs, which I've broken down into the aforementioned milestones; GW1 is a 54lb drop, GW2 a further 35lb loss and my UGW which is a final chunk of 49lbs down.


Anyway, it's here laid bare (though I can actually do so much worse, not to brag or anything) and I am going to revisit this entry if I ever feel tempted or swayed or am about to have a bad food day. First thing to tackle is water intake, well fluid intake as a whole, because 500ml of sparkling water, three cans of Pepsi Max and some unnecessary alcohol is abysmal for a day's intake of fluid. Sure I have a chance to be hit by a vehicle if I don't pay attention on a busy road, but that's something of my own making, so I'm turning this weight thing into something of my own making before any problems have the opportunity to arise. I am a creature of habit and I need time to accept change, so these first four weeks will be focused on adjustments and expanding into the right mind frame.


But I’m into a good routine with Jackson, Brad has a new job with set hours and we’re thriving as a family; finding our groove as a three-piece has taken a little while once more I’m absolutely proud of our tiny family unit, which frees up some time and removes some stress from the potential perils of dieting! I’m not following a specific diet but will be counting calories, eating better, going plenty of home cooking, taking in lots of veg (I’m not a fruity sort! ), a decent amount of water and vowing to eventually ditch the snacks, sweets and fizzy drinks.

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