Joey D Golf

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'Coach Joey D' Diovisalvi is golf fitness coach to PGA/LPGA Tour pros, Ambassador for Amino VITAL and Cobra Puma Golf, and creator of Joey D Golf.

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3 Golf Training Program Exercises You Can Do All Year Round

Stabilize the weights in this "up" position and then carefully reverse the movement to return to the starting position. Your head and shoulders should be supported in a neutral position on the ball -- your head shouldn't be hanging off the end of the ball, nor should your chin be jammed into your chest. To keep the chest, shoulders, and triceps busy during in-season workouts, but without hitting them so hard that they might affect your ability to swing the golf club the next day, we shift the emphasis to balance and body control. Hold the arms out in this extended position for a two-count and then return to the starting position to complete the rep.

Shape Up for the New Year with these Golf Improvement Tips

On the course, this added lower-body strength means added distance every time you hit the golf ball. Balance is one of those intangibles that a lot of people overlook and neglect when it comes to their training, but improving your balance and overall body awareness is a must for improving your accuracy. Strengthening the muscles of the back and in the back of the shoulders will let you stay in golf posture more naturally, maintain your swing plane a lot easier, and play golf a lot more comfortably. Step away from the anchor point until your arms are extended directly towards the anchor at shoulder-height and there's a little bit of tension in the bands.

Train With The Best At Joey D Golf Indoor Golf Training Center

When Coach Joey D opened the facility in 2012, it was a 2,000 square foot training facility dedicated solely to golf fitness. Joey D had spent the previous 12 years on the road with top PGA Tour players and was convinced that a golf-specific training center would allow him to get maximal results out of players. a few years and the Joey D Golf Sports Training Center here in Jupiter, Florida has now grown to over 10,000 square foot state-of-the-art indoor golf training center. And while newcomers to the place may be impressed when they see two top PGA or LPGA Tour players working out alongside each other, we're more excited when we see a top PGA or LPGA Tour working out alongside gals and guys who work at Home Depot, or an accounting firm, or run their own very cool local businesses.

Golf Strength and Conditioning: Golf-Specific Training You Can Trust

It might be great if you were able to increase your clubhead speed by 5 or 10 mph, but if your legs, hips, and core can't control this new strength, you're either not going to be able to take advantage of your new swing speed or you're going to be launching bombs in every direction Can you -- with knees bent -- assume an address position with proper pelvic tilt while maintaining a good spine angle and posture with your upper body? Hold this arms-pulled-back position for a three-count, feel the tension and strength between your shoulder blades, and then slowly return to the starting position to complete the repetition. An intelligent and proven golf strength and conditioning program -- like the ones we offer either in-person or online with one of our Joey D Golf coaches or the follow along at-home workouts you can find at -- is a sure-fire key to improving your golf.

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