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We promote articles and ideas about healthy living without spending a fortune. Healthy living is not just about sticking to a diet or trying to go to the gym. We plan to build a community which shares tips and learn from each other's experience.

Social Audience 7K
  • Food & Drink
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How DNA Testing Can Save You Money by Helping Find and Prevent Genetic Disease

Genetic testing gives people the opportunity to become more educated on their personal health, particularly if they suspect a hereditary medical condition, or wish to identify their risk of future health issues. * Family members who have a hereditary disease may decide to be tested to confirm whether their condition was passed down to them, or if it occurred as a result of their environment. Once a disease or condition is identified through genetic testing, individuals can immediately begin to seek appropriate treatment, and begin management and monitoring options, which may lead to a more positive outcome. Alternatively, if you find that you are not predisposed to a disease, you can save yourself and your family lots of time, stress, and money spent on preventative measures.

10 Healthy, Low-Cost Foods for Clean Teeth

Since dental woes can lead to the development of other health issues when bacteria enter the bloodstream through diseased gums, why not eat a diet designed for optimal tooth health? All dairy products contain large amounts of calcium, but yogurt goes a step further by delivering probiotics to the small intestine to improve tummy health, too. Water rinses food particles from teeth when brushing isn’t practical and keeps bacteria from proliferating on tooth surfaces, causing decay. Consuming certain foods can supplement good dental hygiene by preventing painful cavities, gum disease and even tooth loss.

5 Reasons to Start Using Organic Makeup Removers

If you choose to go with a makeup remover wipe, it’s important to follow up with a cleanser as the makeup remover wipe only removes surface level dirt. Organic grapeseed oil, castor oil, coconut oil, hemp seed oil, sunflower seed oil, and safflower oil are all great for cleansing your face of makeup. Besides makeup removers, it’s also very important for you to consider using organic and all-natural makeup products throughout your entire skin care and beauty routine. The average woman is exposed to more than 100 chemicals in their skincare and makeup routine, so using organic products can help eliminate these toxins and chemicals from your life entirely!

Best Ways to Combat Allergy Symptoms

According to John Hopkins Medical, in the United states, various allergies affect more than 50 million people each year and are the sixth most common chronic illness. Those who look towards natural solutions for the treatment of their allergy symptoms commonly list two items as particularly useful — local honey and raw cow’s milk. According to a study published on Mercola and conducted by Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) in Munich, Germany, raw unpasteurized milk had a positive effect on European school-aged children. It was found that 50 percent of the 8,000 children studied were less likely to get hay fever than those who drank pasteurized milk (milk that has been heated as a means of killing potential pathogens).

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