Bitches Get Riches

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My Career Transition Succeeded When I Gave Fewer Fucks, Made More Friends, and Had More Fun

Yet as you all know, keeping BGR off my resume and separate from my professional side didn’t make it an unimportant part of my life. So when the time came to decide if I would transition away from publishing and into another industry, I didn’t just have a lightbulb moment. But my friendly history with Roger meant that I’d kinda been interviewing for The Motley Fool’s team for years. n’t skip networking events, even when—no, especially when you’re not currently looking for a career transition or a new job.

5 Lies About DIYing I'm Seriously Sick of Hearing • Bitches Get Riches

Those things together cost at least $350, and I needed all of them to build my $29 table of lies. Online crafters seem to have never-ending piles of scrap wood, scrap paint, scrap fabric—scrap scraps of all stripes. Throw another $70 worth of real cost onto this $29 table, for which I used “leftover” paint, sealant, sand paper, wood glue, drop cloths, respirators, paint brushes, tack cloth, rags, and furniture pads. I estimate I spent six hours sanding the table down, four hours doing a few coats of paint, eight hours doing a few rounds of staining, four hours of a few coats of sealant, two hours shopping and shlepping, and an hour disassembling and reassembling.

Case Study: Held Back by Past Financial Mistakes, Fighting Bad Credit and $90K in Debt • Bitches Get Riches

Her current debts are a mortgage, a car loan, two private student loans, one federal student loan, and the consolidated credit card debt repayments. A long loan with a small interest rate can become more expensive than a short loan with a high interest rate. While federal student loans are in forbearance, put the extra $280 from your usual Federal Loan payment into Student Loan A instead. In the battle against past financial mistakes, Melissa waved around two double-edged swords: debt consolidation and debt discharge.

How to Make Any Financial Decision, No Matter How Tough, with Maximum Swag

Once you’ve determined your priorities, you need to set goals that align with those priorities. Other examples of financial goals: own a home within the next ten years, increase your income by 20% over the next two years, get rid of credit card debt by the end of the year, finally start that pet grooming business where you cut and color poodles And while I’m not suggesting the personal should always trump the financial when making money decisions, it definitely should take precedence a lot of the time! If your goal is to pay off your debt as soon as possible, then you might choose to rent instead of saving up a down payment to purchase a home.

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