Cancer Curmudgeon

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anotheronewiththecancer Breast cancer malcontent

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Mourning My Limitations

I HATE that I cannot attend that meeting, commit to that protest, go to that event. If there is a meeting I want to attend via Internet, I have to take a nap or adjust my manic daily activities I have adjusted my schedule and will sacrifice a few things to attend this meeting—a meeting in which I hope to propose solutions to make my political active life a bit easier. It might not seem like a big deal to some readers, but to me, cutting 2 days of work is 2 days lost income.

The Things I Didn’t Say Before

I hate the way the media portrays this all like it’s the SuperBowl or something As a cancer advocate here, I’ve often thought if we only shared the truth and reality of cancer, people would begin to understand. I never again want to experience that gut punch like with cancer (you know, how it wasn’t all pink fun and games like on TV). I hate battle metaphors in cancer—but this voter/political activism thing,

The Kick In the Butt

As I’ve pointed out many times here, I haven’t had time to write my own blogs, read others’ blogs, or participate, even a little bit, in the cancer community in which I was a minuscule, fringe part of in the years since I began this site. But I just get frustrated that we cannot move forward (see most any blog post I’ve written in recent years). In fact, I repeated this story to someone involved in local politics, and I will tell this story in a speech I have to give in a few hours to local political activists. Without that Thunderclap, and a concerted effort to get people to REALLY use the hashtag around the time the T-clap happens, well, I’m not seeing much use.

Annual Blog Challenge 2018

Nancy of Nancy’s Point has unveiled her questions for her latest blog challenge (in the past she’s asked us to list 15 random facts and other such things, see here, here, and here). A number of factors contribute to this: I’m more involved in political activism, and well, it is rare an issue comes up (when I DO tune in to breast cancer social media) that I haven’t already written about. How do you determine what to share and what not to share; in other words, do you have blog boundaries? I’m more likely to have stricter boundaries these days due to nature of social media-every opinion gets ripped and I get enough of that in political social media.

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