Susan Rahn

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Diagnosed w/Stage 4 Breast Cancer at 43. I hope to educate the importance of research over awareness.

Research will lead to a cure. #PinkIsNotaCure

Social Audience 6K
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It was supposed to be a short term foster but Geri and Lori bonded very quickly and so Lori owned her very first cat. While Geri knew Carolyn, she really missed Lori when she was gone and soon whenever Lori pulled out her suitcase, Geri would hop in and wouldn’t want to leave. Well, Lori being Lori felt really bad for Junior and renaming him OSK, began a campaign to give OSK a home again. Add in the fact that Lori learned OSK was declawed on his front paws and you can understand the urgency in which Lori had in trying to rescue him.

What the Fuck Is the Reason?

I am so sick of hearing people say to me that I’m still here for “a reason” or I’ve outlived my prognosis for “a reason. ” If there is in fact “a reason,” then please tell me, what the fuck it is

Estimates Are Better Than Nothing

The last week couple of weeks, and I’m still struggling to understand why, there were a pocket of individuals that seriously took exception to the use of certain Metastatic Breast Cancer numbers and statistics. Due to the above, (what we all just agreed upon), there are ESTIMATED numbers and statistics that are used among Oncologists, researchers, advocates and literally anyone in the medical field to demonstrate certain facts regarding BC/MBC. An estimated 116 people will die every day from MBC An estimated 20-30% of those diagnosed with early stage disease will recur as metastatic – up to 20yrs after successfully completing treatment Everyone wants to have correct data. And it doesn’t make any sense whatsoever for other MBC patients to demand other patients/advocates to produce study’s or data to prove the numbers that we post about.

San Antonio & Setting Goals

I was on my way home from a week in San Antonio; attending The San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium. This being my first year at SABCS, it was also my first time representing METUP in my official capacity as President at a conference. Each year included a silent protest where signs are held outside the most attended session of the conference which happens to be where the Komen Research Award winners are presenting. We’ve added a Diversity Coordinator & a Compliance Coordinator to our team and we closed the year with a protest that grabbed the attention of some impressive people in the medical community.

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