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Social Audience 85
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Taya's Birth Story

So I was thankful that baby girl hadn't made her appearance quite yet! I decided on this route because it was explained to me that if they broke my water and contractions didn't start on their own, and then we started pitocin, the contractions would hurt worse because the water wouldn't be there as a cushion anymore. The contractions were very manageable and didn't hurt much at all. It was during this time that Taya's heart rate started to dip during the contractions.

Keeping my eyes above the waves, holding a baby that belongs to Him and not me...

Did she really just say that she's glad she can't control where baby M ends up? If I had control over the situation I wouldn't need to rely on God, because I would THINK I know the best answer and rely on my own opinion on it. But because I can't see the future, I can't see or know for sure what this relative is like and capable of. He's guiding the home study assessor and has the power to interfere and make sure baby M doesn't go with this relative IF this is a bad placement for him.

a canceled visit.

Glad that I didn't have to drag him and two other boys to children's services for a visit with his mom. I took extra care in making sure M looked super cute (didn't take much because he's just adorable no matter what! ) To do as much as we can and pray the stuff we can't control, doesn't harm them any further. But now our world isn't perfect and we hope and pray that families can be restored but I'm so glad that there is an option like foster care and then adoption for children who have been hurt by their family.

a phone call...

The carseat must've given me away to the lady in the elevator and she asked if I was going to pick up my baby (it's a children's hospital) Which as I look back must have seemed odd because why would I be going to pick up a baby if I haven't been there before to visit that baby? I'm then thinking, they aren't going to let us keep M in our home if I can't even get him to our van because I can't keep track of it! Baby M slept peacefully the entire way home and until the case worker got to our house a couple hours later.

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