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Spice Market. A first class journey to the flavors of Southeast Asia.

Though you wouldn’t find them in any dim sum restaurant I’ve ever been in, the other two items in the dim sum section of Spice Market’s were also on our must try list. The chicken samosas were on the original edition of Spice Market’s New York menu and it’s no wonder they have such staying power. The steamed bun that wraps around the pork belly, the healthy (or perhaps it’s unhealthy) portion of meat and the imaginative addition of a slice of Asian pear now has me ranking Spice Market’s bao over the same dish at San Miguel restaurants, Atrio and Marsala. Spice Market is located in the Live Aqua Urban Resort, Calzada de la Presa 85, in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

Jorge Avendaño. He looks right. He cooks right.

Whether it’s a lawyer’s pinstripe suit, a surgeon’s scrubs or an auto mechanic’s overalls. The houndstooth chef’s pants had already gone the way of the overlong khaki cargo shorts but now have moved on again to the black jeans. Most chef’s head hair has been pulled back tight into a tail and the chin hair usually looks like it’s searching for the sound of clippers. The bun was a home-baked brioche, not usually a favorite burger bun, especially with Don Day’s Wife.

Priced like plonk. But sure doesn’t taste like it.

Much more chance it was because these 100 peso wines don’t taste like 100 peso wines. The wines, one of them white, one of them red, are sold under the name Seleccion and, as best I can tell (Costco and Concha y Toro both refuse to tell), Costco Mexico retails them exclusively. Both the red and the white Seleccion are sold by Costco in six bottle lots for just $599 if you have them delivered, like I do, or $481 if you drive to the store in Celaya or Queretaro, like most people do, and pick them up. I’m actually astounded that Concha y Toro can make and Costco can sell two very good wines at such very low prices.

Fatima 7. A long time coming. We’ll soon know if it was worth the wait.

After graduation in 1994, JJ had kitchen time with some of San Francisco’s most celebrated chefs at the city’s most celebrated restaurants including Aqua, La Folie and Boulevard It was a few years later when I was back in Texas and Donnie called me up and said, ‘Hey, let’s talk about your future’ and, hence, I moved to San Miguel de Allende one year ago in January… We were now talking in Fatima 7’s kitchen, massive compared to Casa Blanca 7’s closet-sized kitchen on the first floor. I thought about what I could say in this blog post that would convey the enthusiasm, the commitment and desire to make Fatima 7 as successful as Casa Blanca 7 that I heard in JJ Castenada’s words but thought it was best to show you a tattoo on the back of his hand that symbolizes it much more than anything he said.

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