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A hip digital parenting magazine. Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/urbanmommies Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/urbanmommies/

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Planning for Retirement as Part of Canada’s Flexforce

When UrbanMommies began almost 12 years ago, I looked at other bloggers and freelancers and became giddy at the thought of the flexibility and freedom my company could provide. Other Moms had given up steady jobs to write books, manufacture baby slings or start companies like mine

How Apple Screen Time Can Help Your Family

Screen time is a big debate, particularly when you have middle schoolers. Some people think kids are on their phones too much, some people aren’t too worried

Staying Healthy for School and Playtime

I love a morning that runs smoothly, without having to apologize to the school administrator for being late or absent! The all-natural, orange-flavoured tablets are made from fresh, organic, GMO-free echinacea, and are also lactose and gluten free. The active ingredients in this natural remedy decrease the ability of infectious agents to penetrate the body’s cells. Vogel_Canada is that these all-natural, orange-flavoured chewable tablets are made from fresh, organic, GMO-free echinacea, and are ready to use, so you can leave your flowers in the garden!

It's the Year of the Pig!

Ring in the Lunar New Year with Canadian-made iOS apps featuring limited-edition Chinese New Year games for all ages: If you are more an app fan, you can Celebrate with Canadian-made Chinese New Year apps as well. Budge World’s new Chinese New Year-themed gamelets kids celebrate by helping the Budgers scare away the monster Nian using fireworks that you create by matching shapes and colours. by NoodleCake is a beautiful game based on the life of a firecracker, where players embark on a journey to find The Old One, a mythical firecracker whose fuse has never been lit. Its Full of Sparks a beautiful game based on the life of a firecracker, where players embark on a journey to find The Old One, a mythical firecracker whose fuse has never been lit.

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