But given what happened on the latest episode, the highly anticipated Super Bowl episode of this past Sunday, I can’t stop thinking about Jack.
There are so many things I want to say, and my thoughts on Jack could be done in a multiple part blog series, but I will keep it simple by saying this:
Jack Pearson is not concerned with being popular.
Jack Pearson is simply concerned with being fully present with the people he loves, being vulnerable whenever possible, being strong, calling people out when they need it, speaking truth, he’s selfless, he has a servant heart, integrity is his middle name, he has well established boundaries (with his own father), he backs off when necessary, and most of all, he just fully loves those he loves.
One of my favorite moments on a recent episode was 2 weeks ago as the Pearsons were preparing for the Super Bowl (1998) and Jack was in the living room showing off the new TV console he built, and his son, Kevin, was standing over him and Kevin said “no one cares”, to which Jack replied “I care.