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Gal Meets Glam One year Anniversary

If I had to describe my personal style in one sentence, it would be: feminine and classic with an ‘extra’ twist. I would describe Julia Engel’s (of Gal Meets Glam) style as very similar and that’s partly why I have felt such a strong connection to her and her own style journey ever since first starting to follow her blog over 6 years ago

Top 5 Swimwear Trends for Summer

From dreary San Francisco spring to sunny Maui, and into full mermaid mode in 5. 5 hours

Tropical Bar Cart Party with Stage

If I had to name one home décor item I have been lusting after, since Pinterest and Instagram became major influencers of décor inspiration for me, it would be a fabulous bar cart! This cute touch of glam started popping up on my radar a few years ago, and I’ve wanted to buy one ever since. I knew I wanted a classic design, which would not look dated in a few years and also let me get a little wilder when it came to styling the cart for different parties. I also didn’t want to break the bank, and that’s where Stage’s countless affordable options always make it a go-to site for me whether searching for home décor, accessories or virtually any other item.

Translating Leopard Print for Spring

Leopard was by far the winner and I was lamenting having to give it a rest, as the spring months approached, and I was looking through the ‘keep’ and ‘store’ piles in my closet. I’ve really only worn leopard in the fall and winter in the past years (last seen here) and never really thought of it much as little white dresses would start appearing in my closet in March. But this year, perhaps because of its huge popularity or possibly because of splurging on a few expensive leopard print investment pieces, I wanted to try to carry these over through spring. This peach dress caught my eye first and I love the contrast of the strong vibe of leopard against the ultra-feminine peach hue.

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