Candy Calderon

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Certified Holistic Health Coach. I help women prevent & reverse illnesses, feel amazing from the inside out so they can have the energy to live life on their own terms (bye bloating, extra pounds, acne, low stamina, and libido… Hello to that JLo glow!).

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How My Mom’s Cancer Inspired Me To Help Other Women To Prevent It + 3 Fun Ways To Fundraise for The American Cancer Society

If you’ve been following me for a while, then you know that the reason I started my career in the wellness space and helping other women become healthier and happier, is because of my mom’s cancer. That’s why I loved partnering with the American Cancer Society to share a little bit of my story, and how it empowered me to turn my passion for health & wellness into purpose and ways we can help raise funds for ACS so they can keep fighting the good fight. The American Cancer Society (ACS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to eliminating cancer. If you’re not a professional in the health & wellness space, you can ask a local health coach, naturopath or functional doctor to help you and your fundraising initiatives, you’ll be surprised how many professionals donate their time/fees for amazing causes like this!


All the ingredients (including Biochem plant-based protein! ) are super clean, and a great way to start your day on a high note if you like a more loose consistency)Add all the ingredients (bananas, blueberries, spinach, almond milk, Biochem plant protein, almond butter) to a high-speed blender. They are grown from 3 unique plant sources and include 20g of fermented, highly sustainable and clean sourced protein, which is AMAZING if, like me, you favor a plant-based diet. Biochem Plant Protein Powders also include a complete amino asset profile, they’re also sugar-free, gluten-free and soy-free.

Mascarilla Nutritiva Para El Cabello Hecha-En-Casa

Yo personalment, NO puedo usar bandas en la cabeza para evitar que el sudor entre en contacto con mi cabello, me dan un dolor de cabeza HORRIBLE (te pasa eso también a ti? ) Y no soy precisamente la más precisa cuando se trata de lavarme la cara y la secadora o con blower, ya que eso maltrata mucho, y REALMENTE ponerme a jugar en la coina haciendo mezclas (como esta que te acabo de dar)

Home-Made Nourishing Hair Mask

I can’t use headbands to avoid sweat coming in contact with my hair, they just give me the WORST headache ever (does that happen to you, too? ) and I’m not precisely the tidiest when it comes to washing my face and not letting water touch my hair edges either. Anyways, I did this nourishing hair mask praying to the Gods that it would help the crown area of my hair, and I loved the results so OBVS I’m sharing it with you here. Apply on your hair for at least 30 mins prior to washing Wash and style your hair as you normally do I’ve also been staying away from blow drying my hair as much as I can, and REALLY playing my witchy tricks, mixing herbs and making growth tonics (eating super good, of course! ). As usual, don’t forget to TAG ME on Instagram if you implement any of the tips you’ve learned here.

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