We talk to the local guides at Steel Donkeys about the benefits of bike tourism in Barcelona, before running down our top five tours in the city…
Pottering around Barcelona’s back allies on a rather nifty Italian city bike, and showing his guests the many secrets he has garnered after nearly a life time of living in the Catalan capital (impressively, it turns out, he has also lived in China and speaks good Mandarin) is not a bad way to spend your days.
Whereas most bike tours in Barcelona ride in groups of 15 to 20 people, Steel Donkeys offers a more intimate ’boutique’ experience, riding in groups of no more than 8 guests, plus guide.
Whereas most bike tours in Barcelona ride in groups of 15 to 20 people, Steel Donkeys offers a more intimate ’boutique’ experience, riding in groups of no more than 8…