It is a kind of traditional IRA, also known as Roth IRA, which offers the same IRA contribution limits but, at the same time, provides you with the ability to make retirement savings with a tax advantage.
Typically investors feel conscious about the risks involved with a self-directed IRA, and despite the promise of high returns, not many investors choose self-directed IRAs.
We will be there to remind you ahead of that, for example, to remind you to not borrow any amount of money from your IRA, or from making the sale of any property to your IRA and many other loopholes which can be difficult to see for any ordinary agent or realtor who usually misses seeing the bigger picture.
A specialized real estate investment firm like ours will offer you the chance to utilize the best of possibilities that a self-directed IRA investment has to offer without having to worry about whether or not you have the appropriate experience or a sufficient amount of knowledge on the subject.