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Lily Jade designer diaper bags carry your memories through the baby years and beyond. Visit

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Double Half Up Braid

Bringing HAIR tutorials back! This was SUCH a fun morning with I was completely in love with it! She parted my hair down the middle and started the two braids up at the top. She did the braids " inside out" and then did the pull technique to make them appear super thick! Pull technique is when you grab the side of the braids all the way down and pull them out along the way to make them appear thicker

Naturally Dyed- Easter Eggs

The process takes a little longer than store bought kits, but it’s such a fun experience for the kids, and a great lesson in patience ;) I did link above the store bought kits for those of you wanting that instead though! If you’re a homeschooling mama, this would a great addition to your science lessons! To create the colorful dye, add the ingredients for each to separate pots. Let them simmer anywhere from 15-45 minutes

Stress Support for Mama.

One of the most significant reasons that I chose to start incorporating oils into my life was for the emotional support. And I think the same can be said for so many of my friends… As mothers, we have so many things to think about … to worry about! I am so grateful for the ways I have found balance and peace by adding in these oils! Kinda curious? I created a little cheatsheet, free just for you ! 5 tips on supporting the worry, stress and emotions in your days

Baby Milk Bath.

Just recently I discovered the beauty of milk baths, and how nourishing they are for the skin! It can soften and smooth, and be soothing in drier months. They’ve been used for centuries to promote healthy, glowy skin

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