Stephen Brainbridge

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Germans want NATO to protect them, but they don't want to pay or fight for it ... Trump's got a point

And from the WaPo: 65 percent of Germans still believe that the United States would fulfill its NATO commitment by using military force to defend an ally threatened by Russia, while only 40 percent think their own country should. If Germans don't want to pay their fair share or put their own troops on the line, why should the USA continue allowing them to hide behind our skirts? Why should our taxes and the lives of our troops go to defend such a feckless "ally"?

Evelyn Y. Davis: The ugly face of shareholder activism

Broc passes along this story, which I suspects he likes a lot better than I do: Broc passes along this story, which I suspects he likes a lot better than I do: Evelyn Davis was at the very first shareholder meeting I ever attended – at the then-new, post-merger Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company. From the moment Evelyn Y. Davis grabbed the mike, in the old American Stock Exchange auditorium, I knew this was a business I wanted to stick close to. She was wearing a tight black sweater with a plunging neckline, a mini-skirt that was 10 or 11 inches long at most, black net stockings, thigh-high black boots, and a short chinchilla jacket. Our then Chairman, Jeff McNeill, was an incredibly strait-laced, old-school Southern Baptist, with a big old-fashioned Florida drawl –

I'm old enough to remember when Google promised to not be evil, but those days are gone

... let’s summarize the value system inside the Googleplex: Employees last year blew up the company’s Pentagon work because of concerns about a U. S. military that protects their right to protest, even as the company is doing business in an authoritarian rival country that puts Uighurs in labor camps. Then Google’s ethicists demanded the company cashier an African-American conservative from an advisory board for her supposed intolerance, and management promptly caved and ended the entire project.

This is no time for Trump to go wobbly on China

The Trump Administration has put on hold a previously reported sale of jet fighters to Taiwan until the United States seals a trade deal with China, three Administration officials told TIME on Thursday. The draft trade agreement currently under negotiation would boost Trump’s political fortunes and ease the jittery stock market, but it is unlikely to address many of the issues at the core of the U. S.-China trade dispute, said the U.S. officials, who spoke anonymously because they aren’t authorized to discuss the matter publicly. The list of things China is doing that the US needs to push back against is long and growing: * Illegally expanding its hold on the South China Sea Trump should sell them whatever they need and hold out for a true trade deal win with China that forces it to address our legitimate complaints.

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