Oak Tree Holistic Therapies

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Holistic Therapies & Training in the HEART of Athlone Counselling & CBT Kinesiology Native Shamanic Healing EFT Massage Reiki Crystal Healing Past Life Regression etc

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Continuing Kinesiology Treatment plans amid the crisis!

Here at Midlands Kinesiology I am happy to continue with treatment plans for clients I am currently working with. By reviewing your current treatment plan notes, taking into consideration current symptoms and progress, along with surrogate testing; there is no reason why we cannot continue your treatment plan. Client’s who are already undergoing treatment plans with me will be fully reviewed at time of appointment by phone or video call to see how symptoms are changing/ how things are progressing emotionally, physically, energetically. I conduct energy healings on a weekly basis using pendulum healing; again, anyone who has had a one to one treatment with me has seen me use a pendulum to check energy levels/

How counselling, psychotherapy or CBT can help your anxiety!

There are seven main types of anxiety disorders: Generalized Anxiety Disorder Social Anxiety Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Panic Disorder Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Phobias Acute Stress Disorder Anxiety, one of the most common mental health conditions in the world, is a fear based emotion. I use many approaches and techniques including Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Gestalt, Psychodynamic, Trauma and Body Psychotherapy. Cognitive Behaviour therapy (CBT) is a technique I use in counselling and psychotherapy and it is a very popular choice of therapy with those suffering with anxiety related issues. Another form of CBT I engage in is the use of Socratic Questions which are types of probing questions about client’s thought processes, creating personal awareness, and thus leading to healthy thinking styles.

ANXIETY- How Shamanic Therapy and Energy Healing can help you, with incredible results!!

But when it does become toxic to us the good news is that Shamanic Therapy and Energy Healing can help you disconnect from many sources of fear, helping you to feel more grounded and rational. You may experience all your fears, addictive tendencies, overthinking, physical issues, anxiety, depression, and negative thinking spiral out of your control as well as you feeling very low in energy and vital life-force. Anxiety can often be trapped in different parts of our bodies or energy centres, causing physical pain or discomfort on top of the emotional distress, Hands-on Healing is an excellent way of releasing these trapped feelings, allowing them to be freed from the body back to where they came from! A lack of connection can be to any or all of the following- -Nature, Mother Earth, the cycles of the year, the moon etc -Each other i.e. feelings of loneliness and isolation -Our Spirit Guides, Allies and Helpers, especially our Power Animals (please see my website for more information on this- https://irishshamanism.com/power-retrieval/) -Spirituality -And ultimately to our own selves Being indoors with artificial lighting, heating, easy fast food and multiple screens really facilitates this lack of connection or ‘disconnection’, even something as simple as going outdoors, doing some gardening or hugging a tree can really help!

Massage & how it can help anxiety

Therapies Spiritual (Shamanic) and Energy Healing Clinics Massage and Body Work Other Services House and Land Clearing of Negative Energy, Spirits and Geopathic Issues how it can help anxiety Massage therapy is a type of complementary and alternative therapy, which is often used to treat muscle pain, injury and stiffness. Here at Oak Tree Holistic Therapies, massage treatment recently has been used for treatments as emotional problems, mental problems, including anxiety, depression and stress. Using relaxation techniques, massage treatment can help to reduce tension, to give a deep relaxation and feeling of calmness.

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