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Best Alzheimer's Products is the premiere destination for information and therapy products for the care of people with dementia, regardless of the cause.

Location Grayslake, IL
Country United States
Member Since SEPTEMBER 21, 2018
Social Audience 2K
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  • Eldercare
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  • Senior Health
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  • Diseases and Conditions
  • Pharmaceutical Drugs
news about the premier Alzheimer's help destination.

In The Media Chicago Tribune, written by William Hageman” A game to exercise the brain: Alzheimer’s patients may benefit from Qwirkle” The holidays are a great time to assess your elderly loved ones for signs of Alzheimer’s” Assisted Living on, written by Gloria Hoffner, “ The Huffington Post, written by Marie Marley, “Creative Entertainment for People With Early- and Mid-Stage Alzheimer’s “ Alzheimer’s and Dementias,, “ The Goal of Best Alzheimer’s Products” Elder Care At Home, “Sensory Stimulation for People with Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia” Finding Holiday Gifts for People with Alzheimer’s Just Got a Whole Lot Easier Small Business Makes Gift-Giving for Loved Ones with Alzheimer’s

Caring for loved ones with dementia requires caring for oneself

There are currently more than 15 million people in the United States caring for someone with Alzheimer’s Disease and over 17.5 billion hours worth of unpaid caregiving! Take some time this month, and every month, to offer a helping hand. You can help spread awareness by talking to others about Alzheimer’s and being a caregiver. Keep doing things you love to do, whether its reading, gardening or trying a new restaurant, it’s important to do things you enjoy.

The holidays from the point of view of a person with Alzheimer’s

Holiday celebrations are generally occasions to look forward to, but for a person with Alzheimer’s, holiday gatherings can be overwhelming. Don’t be disappointed if your loved one with Alzheimer’s can’t be with you the entire day. Another person just recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s said he doesn’t like to be in noisy environments, a common concern for a person with Alzheimer’s. The holidays will be different when you’re caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s but it doesn’t mean it has to be difficult.

severity of dementia needs to be considered

Most basic functions including motor and organ functioning are affected as the disease spreads to the cerebellum and then to the brain stem. Care of a person in the third stage of Alzheimer’s disease should concentrate on providing comfort. Soft objects, music, gentle motion including light motion, and aromatherpy are good choices. Even later singing old favorite songs to them may surprise you and become singing old favorite songs with them.

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