Joanne Bamberger

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Author #hillaryparadoxbook & book on political motherhood|Attorney|At @usatoday @cnn @thehill @msnbc @sfgate| FortyOver40 #disrupter Founder @the_broad_side

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White Women, It's Time to Get a Clue ... If It's Not Too Late

Nah, no need to vote for Hillary 100 years after suffrage, because I’m sure that I’ll see a woman president in MY lifetime,” while glibly casting their protest votes for Gary Johnson, arrogantly brushing off the dreams of the handful of 100+ -year-old women who were proudly voting for HRC in their white pantsuits,  something they thought they would never live to see. I already knew that, but I didn’t think they’d play that high school card with so much vigor that it would keep one of the most qualified candidates ever to run for the White House from taking the oath of office. Because white girls didn’t like Hillary, we are all now stuck with the guy who has never held elective office who says his brain is so good he doesn’t have to consult anyone on anything, even on military matters or “bombing the shit” out of people. For you white ladies who decided Trump was better than Hillary, I hope you enjoy the next four years as you realize that all the things Trump claimed he’d do for the “little guy” – like bringing back manufacturing jobs and helping the economy by trashing any and all trade agreements – will never happen, because he has never cared about you, and he isn’t about to start now.

Five Things Lester Holt Needs to Ask Donald Trump

And, if they don’t have all the facts at their fingertips to challenge him on his evasion tactics, Trump gaslights them, turning his own words around to embarrass the questioner and make Trump himself look like the winner. So, since voters are the ultimate jury for this 2016 contest, the five questions I want Lester Holt to ask of Trump, AND hold Trump’s feet to the fire on them (unlike his NBC colleague Matt Lauer), are these: 1. Mitt Romney said on Twitter, “It is disqualifying for a modern-day presidential nominee to refuse to release tax returns to the voters … [because they can shed light on] … the potential for hidden inappropriate associations with foreign entities, criminal organizations, or other unsavory groups is simply too great a risk to ignore for someone who is seeking to become commander-in-chief. But because of his history of dodging questions, I do expect moderators like Holt to focus on the issues that are important for voters to know and make sure that Trump doesn’t slither his way out of giving us the responses we, as voters, are entitled to.

Huma Abedin leaving Weiner: Private decision, not a public discussion

If you watched the recent documentary “Weiner,” you probably were not surprised when the news broke this week about yet another sexting episode involving the former U. S. Congressman and former New York City mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner. As a political wonk, I was drawn to watch the movie “Weiner” because I figured there was no way he’d let anyone follow him around 24/7 with a camera crew unless we’d get a different glimpse of the man whose Twitpik and unfortunate last name created the joke heard ‘round the world in 2011. But, even with documentarians on hand, Weiner apparently couldn’t help himself, sexting yet again, bringing down a promising campaign and further embarrassing the loyal woman who stayed married to him after he was forced to resign from Congress. Over the years, many people have scratched their heads about why Hillary Clinton stayed in her marriage to Bill after the Monica Lewinsky scandal and that she did, ultimately, “stand by her man”, notwithstanding what Hillary said in that 1992 60 Minutes interview.

Why I'm Not Celebrating Women's Equality Day

As a woman, I’m all for commemorating the anniversary of the day that women finally got the right to vote through the 19th Amendment to the Constitution. I was tempted not to write anything about Women’s Equality Day because, in all honesty, I can’t think about it without laughing and crying at the same time. Women are still fighting to be treated equally and fairly in the workplace when it comes to getting paid sick days and paid family leave for the birth or adoption of a child or to care for other family members. Joanne Bamberger is the founder of The Broad Side and the author/editor of the award-winning bestseller Love Her, Love Her

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