We are privileged to bathe in the light of our Gospel’s restoration, which the young Joseph Smith encountered some 200 years ago, and it’s true, we receive new revelations daily as we pray to our heavenly father like Joseph did, and for that small mercy we are truly grateful….
When we pray to our heavenly father with sincerity, our rewards are tremendous, the restoration light that fills our souls is all the proof we need that our heavenly father does infact love us, and everything definitely becomes ‘alright’ walking along that straight and restored covenant pathway, and to make Jesus smile we just need to share the good news of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ to God’s children which we are so eager to do.
we all have an important role to play in sharing the message of the Restoration of Jesus Christ, so let’s prepare ourselves to do do brethren and sisters, each and everyone of us is vitaly important in sharing God’s message and saving his children, blessings.
The petition had called for the king to be declared persona non grata in Germany.on October 16, 2020 at 7:56 am Mistakenly declared dead, the 74-year-old had been placed in a freezer ahead of his funeral.on October 16, 2020 at 7:24 am Instead of debating each other, the rivals in the US presidential race took part in separate events.on October 16, 2020 at 6:54 am Films such as Dumbo and Peter Pan now warn of "negative depictions... of people or cultures".US election: