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CATS & DOGS - A Couple's Fashion, Beauty and Lifestyle Diary

Yoga really changed my life in the past couple of years. 4 years ago, I started with this dynamic way of movement and all that goes along with it

CATS & DOGS - Fashion, Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

Fear is such a big word, such a strong emotion. I am fearless” is such a wonderful and strong mantra to discover hidden and overcome openly know fears. It helps us grow within ourselves and reconnect with our strengths that might have been hidden behind our fears. : my gorgeous floral maxi dress is from the current ARKET* collection – isn’t it perfect for spring?

Ksar Char-Bagh: A Place for Very Special Occasions

And of course, while the couple was telling us all about this brilliant idea, I came to think back to our trip to Marrakech just 2 weeks ago and a place that surpassed all our expectations… Ksar Char-Bagh*, a 10 acres large, Moorish palace in the midst of Marrakech’s palm grove is basically a must-choose place for special occasions like birthdays, brand events and, naturally, beautiful weddings. It does happen, though, that you’ll be lying by the wonderful pool all by yourself, so if you expect your holidays to be loud, full of music, people and party, this place will probably not be what you’re looking for (except if it is your own wedding party, hehe). But if you are looking for luxury, but also mainly for deep relaxation and calm for your soul, you’ll find true Paradise, just ten minutes drive away from the whirlwind of Marrakech’s Medina. From the moment that you enter this palace with all its beautiful space, halls and gardens until you walk into the amazing suites with private rooftop or garden with pool, you’ll find that the highest form of luxury is just good enough for this place.

CATS & DOGS - Fashion, Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

Today, I’d like to show you one of the outfits I wore in Switzerland at our hotel Beatus, directly located by the beautiful Thunersee. In this outfit, I created the perfect mix between chic and leger with this combination and I really like it. The shoes are actually already a year old and are by By Far. And yes, of course my favorite Gucci sunglasses are almost over 2 years old but I’m never getting tired of them!

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