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Cooking with Dog is a YouTube cooking show featured by a canine host Francis and a mysterious Japanese Chef whose real name is not disclosed.

Social Audience 139K
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Teriyaki Chicken Sandwich Recipe (Pan-Roasted Chicken with Homemade Teriyaki Sauce)

We are making popular Teriyaki Chicken to use as a sandwich. The teriyaki sauce smells so delicious and it goes great with rice and bread! This cooking technique using the teriyaki sauce can also be used to cook beef, pork or fish

Gomoku Ankake Yakisoba Recipe (Yakisoba Noodles Covered with Thick Savory Sauce )

This recipe has been added to your Meal Plan Please leave a 5 star rating if you like the recipe! This recipe has been added to your Meal Plan First, let’s make the sauce. Combine the soy sauce, sake, sugar, oyster sauce, pepper and the water. Then, place the ingredients onto the noodles along with the savory sauce.

Nikujaga Recipe (Beef and Potatoes Stewed in Savory Soy Sauce Based Dashi Broth)

To contain the umami in the ingredients, use a lid that fits the pan tightly and avoid opening it as much as possible. Simmering the ingredients with the tight lid will help to extract the water from the vegetables, keeping the amount of dashi stock and seasonings to a minimum. In addition, the extracted water contains the umami of the vegetables so that will make the dish more delicious. When making Nikujaga, beef is often used in the Kansai region, but people in the Kanto region tend to use pork instead.

Tai Kobujime Recipe (Red Sea Bream Cured with Kombu Seaweed

Kobujime was originally developed to preserve fresh fish for a longer time. The fish with a relatively large amount of fat tends to overwhelm the kombu's flavor so let the ingredients sit for a longer time. Some kobujime recipes lightly sprinkle salt on sliced sashimi but we leave the salt out since the slight saltiness of kombu is enough to bring out the flavor. The leftover kombu can be used to make a dashi stock or enjoyed as an ingredient in oden, a type of hot pot or nimono, a Japanese stew.

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