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A daily lifestyle blog highlighting all that is pretty and fun, from style and beauty to fitness and interior design.

Social Audience 85K
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A Tour of My West Village Apartment.

Life in New York City has been so good to me. It’s crazy to think that less than a year ago I was fully settled in San Francisco, toying with the idea of moving to New York but with no concrete plans

30 Reasons Your 30’s Are Better Than Your 20’s.

While we often hear about plenty of complaints about turning 30 or getting another year older, I’m a big believer that it truly only gets better as you age your 30’s are better than your 20’s and took to Instagram to hear from you guys as well and you DELIVERED (seriously I don’t think I have ever gotten so many replies to a question! ). The confidence and new perspective that comes with age and experience • Feeling 0% guilty about staying in on a Friday and/or Saturday night • The power of a leap of faith and the incredible things that can happen when you step into the unknown • Gotten serious about your skincare routine and the importance of SPF every damn day

11 Things (On Sale) That I Wear All The Damn Time.

While I haven’t actually read Marie Kondo’s book or watched a single episode of her Netflix series, I’ve done some serious purging over the past year with a cross-country move and settling into an apartment with petite storage space (to put it nicely). So basically, if it’s not sparking joy, there’s no room for it in my life

Hey. Whats Up. Hello.

It’s been awhile around here. At the beginning of the year I swapped my Instagram handle and shook off the “influencer” title I’ve carried for nearly eight years

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