Mike Hudson

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Updates from Darn Good Lemonade.

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Darn Good Lemonade

I have a hard time understanding what is actually causing the depression, things are actually going well for me. I have been bringing Mandi’s ashes when possible and spreading her all over, just like she wanted. Unfortunately when Mandi’s mom was racing to the hospital to see him, she ended up getting in a slight fender bender with her car. I can’t help but think if Mandi would still be here with some of the new treatments available.

Holiday Roller Coaster

Holidays are hard enough without the added grief of experiencing them for the first time alone. There are so many things Mandi would do to make each holiday special, and I miss them so much it hurts

A Ray of Light Through the Dark Clouds

It has been a fairly busy few weeks since I last posted, there have been a lot of things going on at work and at home. This new life has been the biggest challenge I have ever faced, but I now feel like I can start climbing down the cloudy mountain of grief and find a new path for myself. I am very happy they are going to keep this going, it meant a lot to Mandi It is part of the process they say of accepting my new life and trying to keep my head up and do what Mandi wanted most, to be happy again.

Anniversary of our Love

It was always such a great day to look forward to, it was the day I married my soulmate. Our wedding day was the best day of my life, the day I finally felt complete. I am slowly starting to get the hang of things on my own, which means I will have more time to focus on The Mandi List, the Art’s Festival Fundraiser, and other things I want to accomplish. I continue to meet new and amazing people who knew Mandi through her blog and I am so proud of the things she accomplished.

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