But when things went from chaotic/messy/stressful/fun to just plain old stressful, the blogging dropped by the wayside as I processed all my life changes.
Katharine Evans Kimball Birdsong went by many names, but the one name that best captures her spirit is…
She was a gentle soul with a poet’s heart, and on June 2nd, 2016, Katharine Birdsong took her last breath at the age of 72.
It’s hard to explain our unconventional household, but if you’ve ever come home from school and found a wounded (but very much alive) goose staring back at you from the only bathtub in the house, or a large (but very much dead) deer in the back seat of your mom’s broken down Oldsmobile, you'll have an idea of the colorful childhood our mom painted on a Jersey Shore canvas.
But when she could, you felt flooded by the light of the angels, and buoyed by the voice of a poet:
To all who’ve touched my life, my soul,
Who’ve broken me or made me whole,
Or who’ve revealed a glimpse of you,
Stripped by all except what