My Dress | My Shoes | My Bag
Hey girls! How is everyone doing?! We’ve been busy as ever over here! I feel like once spring break was over, we jumped right back into our crazy busy schedule! I’m always talking about how 3 kids is no joke, but I’ll say it again! haha! I feel like if it’s not swimming lessons it’s a baseball game, or homework, or dance.
That’s part of the fun of spring and summer though, all the fun activities!
Spring is one of my favorite times of year because of all the fun spring dresses! Does anyone else get as happy as I do when we can wear spring dresses!? haha I get so excited when I start looking for fun Easter looks for my girls, and I wanted to share our favorites with you guys!
We went out with my girl Shannon and her girls to take some spring pics with Michelle from MayLily Photo (she’s the best!) and they turned out so cute!
Thanks for stopping by! Happy Spring!