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A Healthy Twist on the Foods You Love

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How to remove pesticide residue — My Healthy Dish

After looking at the 2019 Dirty Dozen, I knew I needed to make a quick post on how to remove pesticide residue. With high numbers like that, it’s important to know how to remove pesticide residue so that the healthy foods you are trying to eat are actually working in favor of your health. The easiest way to eat clean foods free of pesticide residue is to purchase organic when you can. Because of that, I’m showing you my water and vinegar solution that can be helpful to wash most of your fruits and vegetables, whether they are on the Dirty Dozen list or not.

Salmon with Chimichurri Sauce — My Healthy Dish

Don’t let the name fool you, because even though my Salmon with Chimichurri Sauce recipe may sound like a fancy recipe, it’s actually super easy to make. It only takes 20 minutes and minimal steps to have this done and ready for dinner. If you love the flavor but want to switch it up, you can even use the Chimichurri Sauce with other grilled meats, like my Spicy Chimichurri Steak. It’s such a flavorful, versatile sauce that I hope makes it to your dinner table often!

Lemon Garlic Three Bean Salad — My Healthy Dish

When I was brainstorming what food to make for a garden photo shoot, I knew that my Lemon Garlic Three Bean Salad would be perfect for it. This Lemon Garlic Three Bean Salad is perfect to build ahead then take along. The prep is as easy as opening cans, chopping onions, slicing tomatoes and radishes, steaming green beans, and throwing it all in a bowl. The combination of steamed green beans, white beans, and chickpeas are all excellent sources of protein, which is great for healthy skin, hair, and nails.

Instant Pot Chicken Adobo — My Healthy Dish

I’ve had requests for chicken adobo recipes, so I thought to step it up and make Instant Pot Chicken Adobo. All these requests came after I made two sinigang recipes (Seafood Sinigang and Traditional Sinigang), a tamarind-based sour soup from the Philippines

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