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hating bras and some general bitching.

One of the things that I hate the most post breast cancer is finding freaking bras that fit. I did not have breast reconstruction surgery, so I’m lopsided

things not to do with this blogger

So let’s see…apparently Juice Plus still cures cancer? I also don’t see the reports from my oncologist or anyone else’s oncologist that Juice Plus cures cancer. And the fact that so many of the people who sell it basically say how it helps cure cancer and helps prevent cancer when there is nothing legitimate to back it up and they insist a supplement is in fact not a supplement because it’s a marketing ploy? If my doctors weren’t so careful with me, I might not have found out I had squamous cell skin cancer.

merry christmas eve from survivorland

Here is what they said: It’s kind of strange to me every time someone writes about me writing about my breast cancer journey. To get this note on Christmas Eve is like getting an extra Christmas present. It is NOT a substitute for your breast cancer medical care team, but even if my blog wasn’t mentioned, I would take a peek at what they are doing. As another year draws to a close, I will take a moment to wish all of you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

mohs day

Last week was the large basal cell removal and sadly, it’s not healing as well as was expected. I am sitting in a room of other Mohs patients in our own special waiting room. One woman right in front of me is a patchwork of burned off spots as well as a Mohs spot considerably larger than mine on her face. It took two go rounds with the Mohs and some stitches but once again God smiled and I have clear margins.

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