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Principal Software Development Engineer @ Microsoft Corporation

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Viewing 3D Rooms with Backface Culling for Walls

Viewing 3D objects are a challenge in current 2D viewing devices from desktop monitors, phones and tablets. In the recent past, 3D was viewed through different strategies from isometric views, fixed or limited camera positioning to manage the third person external viewer. A simple solution is to take advantage of backface culling by constructing inner walls facing the room and outer walls that can be enabled as needed. An interactive WebGL demo is available at: For questions, comments or contact – follow/message me on Twitter @rlozada

Prototyping with the Wheel Collider and Suspension Setup

The Unity site tutorial presents the direct setup for using the wheel colliders and moving the vehicle, but it does cover how to handle the mechanics for the suspension system which is the component I find most interesting in car games especially when it has realistic spring, piston and joint actions. I like the Chariot design but looking at the rear wheel setup, the suspension design seem to be closer to a motorcycle than a car which means the suspension rotate about a pivot instead of moving vertically — and vertical tracking just happens to be how wheel colliders work Maya and Unity have different 3D axis setups (Right Handed vs. Left Handed rule coordinate systems), to simplify the effort just remember positive-Z is the forward axis for both platforms and the X-axis is negative values for each other * IK (Inverse Kinematics) Solver and Constraints in Maya are not imported to Unity ” is the X-axis in Maya and joint chains follow the X-axis, something to note when writing a script to modify joint transform in Unity The vehicle movement controls is based on the Unity tutorial with quick hacks to also update the suspension piston positions along with the visual wheel objects.

In-game programming in Unity Demo

In several past articles, I discussed an approach to setup a Unity scene to support object interactions and control in 3D, similar to a number of time management and programming games. Prototyping a robotic factory game in unity3d Creating in game programmed components in Unity Extending in game programming in Unity Virtualizing a computer, or in this example a microcontroller as a script interpreter is reduced to processing commands one line at a time, the extra effort is for the visualization and animation to show how the program go through the instructions. The additional consideration is for the programming interface which uses drag and drop controls similar to MIT Scratch, Google Blockly  or Human Resource Machine  to simplify the programming creation instead of using a typical text editor and possibly work better with mobile and tablets. The project is implemented using only built-in Unity components, the core logic is implemented on Unity C# scripts, movement and animations are handled by Coroutines and the Animator Component and UI uses the Canvas, Panels, Button and Text.

Extending in-game programming in Unity

* put [x] – puts the current carried value to storage “x” * get [x] – puts the current carried value from storage “x” Ready; break; case "jeq": if (childCount > 0 && childValue == 0) CurrentCommandIndex = int. Ready; break; case "jlt": if (childCount > 0 && childValue < 0) CurrentCommandIndex = int. Ready; break; case "jgt": if (childCount > 0 && childValue > 0) CurrentCommandIndex = int.

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