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I am personal trainer, instructor and overall wellness enthusiast living in Boston. Staying stylish one fitness fad at a time, I hope you'll join me!

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Gluten-Free Chocolate Cherry Protein Bars

And did I mention they’re gluten-free, dairy-free and low in sugar? Oh ya, that too 🙂 I’ve been trying to go more gluten-free these days due to some GI issues. Over the weekend, while up in Maine, my mom picked me up a copy of Gluten-Free & More. In a small bowl mix the PB and honey and microwave for 20 seconds.

A New Sphere

I almost feel like I should re-introduce myself, it’s been so long. I feel like it’s all of my passions mashed together. It’s safe to say I’ve had to evolve to a new schedule. Sure I expected to hit up Target with the masses on a weekend day, but what I couldn’t have predicted was the challenge I feel to stay a part of the Boston fitness community.

The Trendy Trainer

I guess I didn’t really notice it’d been so long since I’d last posted. Don’t get me wrong, it was always in the back of my head, however, never did I feel the urge to put fingers to keyboard and grind out a 200 word-er. You Don’t Care About My Lunch, I Know For the first time, I am without a Boston-based apartment and instead am enjoying life living in Maine during my summer vacation … do n’t worry, I’ll be back in Beantown come September.

The Trendy Trainer

If you aren’t caught up on The Bachelor, the latest episode ended with only 6 ladies remaining, many tears shed and lacking a whole-lot-of-self-worth. The Bachelor’, sent three women home due to ‘not feeling a connection’. It is clear to me, while I watch these gorgeous and I’m sure educated women, that leaving home to be on The Bachelor was a major wager in their game of Life. The last thing our society needs — or our young ladies watching — is to witness these types of self-talk.

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